Recruitment Privacy Notice

Last update: 16.05.2024

This Recruitment Privacy Notice (hereinafter “Notice”) explains how Jobbatical OÜ (hereinafter “we”, “us” or “Jobbatical”) processes the personal data of candidates for employment and other individuals who we may come into contact during the recruitment process (e.g., recommenders) at Jobbatical (hereinafter “you” or “candidate”).

Le présent avis décrit le traitement des données à caractère personnel que nous effectuons en tant que responsable du traitement. Cela signifie que nous déterminons, individuellement ou avec d'autres, les finalités et les moyens du traitement des données à caractère personnel.


Nom : Jobbatical OÜ.

Code d'enregistrement : 12671900.

Address: Narva mnt 7b, 10117, Tallinn, Estonia.


Contact details of data protection officer:   


We process the following personal data:

Identification data” – this includes your name and surname. We collect this data from you at the beginning or during the recruitment process. We may also receive this data from third party recommenders.

Contact data” – this includes your phone number and email address. We collect this data from you at the beginning or during the recruitment process. We may also receive this data from third party recommenders. 

Information about experience, education and training – this includes your diplomas, certificates and licences, training attendance, skills and competencies and other work-related qualifications. We collect this data from you at the beginning or during the recruitment process. 

Recruitment communication” – this includes recruitment-related e-mail correspondence or other communication, where permissible. This data is generated during the recruitment process.

Compliance and risk management information” – this includes background check reports, information about complaints and disciplinary sanctions, and where permissible, information about violation of laws or breach of company policies. We may collect the information for background checks from publicly available sources on the Internet. The information about complaints may be received from our employees or third-party complainant(s).

Social media data” – this includes publicly available information about you on social media platforms (for example, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.), e.g., previous work experience, education or other information that is public and might be relevant in the recruitment process. We may collect this information when scouting possible candidates for employment, when receiving a job application or a recommendation about you from a third party.

Recruitment and hiring related information” – this includes information that was provided or created during the recruitment and hiring process, including your motivational letter, recommendations (please note that it is your responsibility to obtain consent from your recommenders prior to providing us personal information about them), interview details, test results, home tasks and copies of relevant documents. We get this information from you at the beginning of the recruitment process.


      3.1 Legitimate interests

We process your personal data based on our legitimate interests for the purposes described below. You have the right to ask for clarifications regarding the processing based on the legitimate interests. You also have the right to send the objection, if you find that processing of your personal data for the purposes provided below prejudice your rights. Please see section 1 of this notice for our contact details.

Finalités du traitement Catégories de données à caractère personnel
Identifying potential candidates for open or future positions:
  • Processing of information provided by the candidates to determine who they are, what background they have and whether they should be considered for open or future positions.
  • Processing of publicly available online information in connection with scouting and recruitment prior to engagement with a candidate.
Conducting the recruitment process and protecting our rights and fulfilling the professional requirements:
  • To decide whether to offer employment.
  • To make decisions about salary and benefits.
  • To assess training needs.
  • To send you notifications about your progress.
Conducting background checks:
  • Regarding the candidate:
    • Identification data
    • Contact data
    • Information about experience, education and training
    • Recruitment and hiring related information
    • Recruitment communication
    • Compliance and risk management information
    • Social media data
  • Regarding the recommender:
    • Name, surname, place of work, position, phone number and/or email address (We get this data from the candidate).

     3.2 Pre-contractual relations

We process the personal data based on Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR where it is necessary for the actions prior to entering into an employment contract. 

Finalités du traitement Catégories de données à caractère personnel
Determining your qualifications for employment and reaching a recruitment decision. Identification data
Contact data
Information about experience, education and training
Recruitment and hiring related information
Informing you, via email, phone or otherwise, about the progress of your application for employment with us. Identification data
Contact data
Preparation of a job offer and/or contract (e.g., preparation of an offer letter). Identification data
Contact data
Information about experience, education and training
Recruitment and hiring related information
Recruitment communication Identification data
Contact data


In some cases, we may transfer your personal data to certain recipients who are categorised as follows:

1.1 Partners who provide the services to us, and who process the personal data on our behalf (data processors), e.g.:some text

      a. Providers of various ICT services (e.g., providers of cloud services);

      b. Various contractors (e.g., recruitment agencies).

1.2 Independent controllers of personal data, such as our attorneys, auditors, etc.

1.3 Public authorities and supervisory bodies, e.g., court, law enforcement authorities, Data Protection Inspectorate. We transfer your personal data to public authorities and supervisory bodies only if the law requires it. 

Unless necessary for the provision of services, we do not transfer your personal data outside of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), nor to such third country or international organisation, the level of data protection of which the European Commission has not considered adequate. If your personal data is transferred outside of the EU or EEA, such transfer of personal data will take place only upon appropriate legal basis, and we will take appropriate protective measures. Data transfers to such third countries are mainly based on Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission.

Vous avez le droit d'obtenir des informations supplémentaires sur le transfert de vos données à caractère personnel en nous envoyant la demande correspondante à l'aide des coordonnées décrites dans la section 1 du présent avis.   


We retain your personal data for the period necessary for the achievement of purposes stated in this notice or until it is required by the law. For example, unsuccessful application data will be deleted after 18 months taking into consideration our need to answer queries or resolve problems and comply with legal requirements under the applicable laws. 

For more detailed information about the retention of your personal data, you can send an email using the contact details described in section 1 of this notice. 


Droit d'accès à vos données: vous avez le droit de savoir si des données à caractère personnel vous concernant sont traitées ou non, quelle est la finalité du traitement et quelles sont les catégories de données à caractère personnel. En outre, vous avez le droit de savoir à qui les données à caractère personnel sont divulguées (en particulier les destinataires dans les pays tiers), pendant combien de temps les données à caractère personnel sont conservées, et quels sont vos droits en matière de rectification, de suppression et de limitation du traitement.

Droit de rectification: vous avez le droit d'exiger la rectification des données à caractère personnel vous concernant si elles sont inexactes ou incomplètes.

Droit de suppression: dans certains cas, vous avez le droit d'exiger la suppression des données à caractère personnel vous concernant, par exemple lorsque vous retirez votre consentement et qu'il n'existe pas d'autres motifs légaux pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel.

Right to restrict the processing: in some cases, you have the right to restrict processing of the personal data concerning you for a certain time (e.g., if you have objected to the processing of personal data).

Right to object: you have the right to object to the processing of personal data, which is processed based on the legitimate interest, including profiling. Upon objection, we will no longer process the personal data unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms.

Droit à la portabilité des données: si le traitement de vos données à caractère personnel est basé sur votre consentement ou sur le contrat conclu avec nous et que le traitement des données est effectué par des moyens automatisés, vous avez le droit de recevoir les données à caractère personnel vous concernant, que vous nous avez fournies, dans un format structuré, couramment utilisé et lisible par machine. Vous avez également le droit de demander la transmission de ces données à caractère personnel à un autre prestataire de services si cela est techniquement possible.

Right to turn to us, supervisory authority, or a court: if you want to exercise the above-mentioned rights, please send us an email using the contact details described in section 1 of this notice. If you find that your rights have been breached, you have the right to turn to the Data Protection Inspectorate (Andmekaitse Inspektsioon) and/or court. The contact details of the Data Protection Inspectorate are available at


Nous avons le droit de modifier unilatéralement le présent avis. La version modifiée de l'avis sera publiée sur notre site Web.