Onboarding an International Employee? 8 Great Ways to Make Them Feel at Home

Onboarding an International Employee? 8 Great Ways to Make Them Feel at Home

Gonz Sánchez
Gonz Sánchez
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It’s not news that a well-defined onboarding program is essential for integrating new hires and building company culture. It ensures everyone's on the same page, understands expectations, and feels valued.

Onboarding international talent requires an additional layer of consideration. Cultural differences can impact everything from work-life balance perceptions to communication styles. A solid onboarding program becomes even more important to manage expectations and establish a common understanding of what a sick day is, what punctuality means for meetings, or what’s an acceptable leaving time.

There’s also something uniquely significant about international employee onboarding: you’re not only welcoming them to a new company — you’re also welcoming them to a new city, a new country, a new culture. 

Here are some special considerations to have when onboarding foreign employees at your company. 

Before your new international employee’s arrival

Just as company culture shapes a candidate's experience even before they join, the onboarding process should begin the moment they accept the offer. Here are some ways to welcome your new international hires before they even arrive.

- Pre-arrival team calls: Schedule virtual introductions with current team members to discuss company culture and day-to-day life. This can include navigating parking around the office, the team’s favorite eat and hang out spots, or even cultural events happening around the new hire’s arrival date.

- Practical matters: Address logistical concerns like taxes, housing, and other HR-related details well in advance. The more prepared your new hire feels, the smoother the transition.

- Introduction to HQ’s: Gice new hires a glimpse into daily life at your company with photos and videos showcasing your office culture.  Offer city guides packed with essential information on housing, transportation, cultural attractions, and entertainment - Jobbatical offers comprehensive guides for cities like Berlin, Paris, and Lisbon.
If your HQ city is well-represented in movies, music, or books, share them with your new hire to spark excitement about the move. 

Arrival and in-house onboarding

- Support on the first day of arrival: It makes a big difference to have someone waiting for the new hire at the airport. This personal touch can significantly ease the stress of arriving in a new country.

One of our team members recently shared this story from an employee we helped relocate: 

The first time I arrived in Penang, Malaysia, after 3 literal days of transit, I was exhausted. The air was hot and humid, people were speaking in a language I didn’t understand, and l couldn’t wrap my head around the whirlwind of emotions surrounding me. Luckily, three of my colleagues were waiting for me at the airport. No confetti or embarrassing signs — just some friendly faces when I needed them the most. They helped me carry my luggage (I used to bring so much luggage with me back then!), explained what ATM I should use, and helped me get some cash. Then, they took me to eat some ginger fish soup for dinner at a local market. 

- Care package at arrival: A thoughtful care package with essentials like a pre-paid SIM card, local currency, and a city map demonstrates you've anticipated your new employee’s needs and makes a great difference for someone who just landed in a new city or country. 

In-house onboarding process

Following a period of rest and acclimatization—essential for overcoming jetlag – it's time to begin the formal in-house onboarding process. Here are some key strategies to ensure a smooth transition for your international hires:

- Keep meetings to a minimum: Recognize the initial challenges of a new environment.  While efficiency is important, overwhelming new hires with back-to-back meetings is counterproductive. Instead, consider spacing out the onboarding schedule to allow for gradual integration and familiarization with colleagues, company protocols, and even the complexities of the office coffee machine.

- Set up a buddy system: Implement a buddy system, pairing your new hire with a colleague who can provide guidance on both the workplace and the city. Allocate a budget for a welcome lunch outside the office, fostering connections and neighborhood exploration. Choosing a buddy from another department offers the additional benefit of building interdepartmental relationships.

- Encourage cultural exchange: Promote a culture of inclusion by encouraging your new international hire to share aspects of their home culture. They can present one of their traditions or customs, contributing to team engagement and celebrating diversity within your workforce. Consider framing the discussion with thought-provoking questions, such as "What aspect of your cultural background would you like to integrate into our company environment?"

Investing in a comprehensive onboarding program for international hires benefits everyone. It boosts productivity, fosters a welcoming environment, and sets the stage for long-term success.  

Ready to take your global hiring to the next level? Learn how with Jobbatical.

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