A fresh new look for Jobbatical

A fresh new look for Jobbatical

Maria Magdaleena Lamp
min read


Jobbatical's New Website


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Still changing the employee relocation game—and looking good doing it

Every now and then, huge news comes along that’s life-changing, and groundbreaking. Today… is not one of those days. Today, we’re just here to say that Jobbatical has a new website.

Don’t get us wrong, it’s definitely a big deal—it’s a much-needed update to reflect how far we’ve come in the almost-decade that Jobbatical has been around.

After a particularly hectic couple of post-pivot, post-pandemic years, it was time to dust off the ol’ brand book and freshen up the look.

"Take a look around the new website and come get your demo."

Aside from looking pretty, this website revamp is a reaffirmation of our commitment to making employee relocation as easy as booking a flight. On average, Jobbatical makes it around two times faster for companies  to relocate employees. Our platform automates the most labor-intensive parts of the relocation process, getting rid of a lot of manual work in exchange for a bird’s-eye-view of everything going on with your relocating employees. 

This combination of technology and human expertise makes relocation on Jobbatical much less stressful than the norm. A streamlined, drama-free experience that’s so relentlessly reliable it’s almost a little boring. It’s also around four times less expensive compared to legacy relocation service providers.

That’s how, in 2022, Jobbatical saved our clients a combined 15,664 hours, or 9 hours per day per case. Think of all the things you could do with 9 hours a day—you could almost file a whole residence permit application!

But if you want to be smarter about your employee relocation (or if you’re  a potential team member, or just looking for resources on global mobility and employee relocation) take a look around the new website and come get your demo.

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