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Alles, was du über Relocation von Mitarbeitern mit Jobbatical wissen musst

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Warum Jobbatical?

Moving employees across borders should be simple. 

We combine immigration experts with smart technology to give you a predictable, transparent process. Our platform automates the paperwork while our specialists guide you through each step – from visas to settling in. 

With over 15,000 successful relocations across Europe, we help companies manage international hiring without the usual complexity and high costs. You get clear timelines, competitive pricing, and the confidence that everything's handled correctly.

Does Jobbatical help individuals with visas and relocation?

No, we only work with companies and their employees. We help businesses manage immigration and relocation for their international team members.

Unterstützt Jobbatical auch Familien in Bezug auf Relocation?

Yes, we handle visas and permits for employees and their families. Our experts guide the whole family through immigration and help connect them with schools and housing in their new location.

How will our HR team track immigration cases?

Your HR team gets a clear view of every case in one single place. 

See when visas need renewal, check case progress, and find immigration documents - all in a single dashboard, while our experts handle the detailed work.

Welche ersten Schritte sind bei Jobbatical erforderlich?

Simply book a quick call with our team here. One of our experts will get in touch to learn about your relocation needs, show you the platform and recommend the best next steps for your company.

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