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Alles, was du über Relocation von Mitarbeitern mit Jobbatical wissen musst

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Warum Jobbatical?

At Jobbatical, we combine human expertise with AI-powered technology to deliver cost-effective, seamless employee relocations. We handle everything—from immigration to settling in and renewals—so your HR team can focus on what they do best: supporting your hires.

Save up to 9 hours per case by centralizing the full mobility process on one single platform, while guaranteeing a stress-free relocation experience for your team with dedicated expert support. Trusted by global companies, Jobbatical's scalable solution helps you bring in top international talent better and faster.

Kümmert sich Jobbatical um Visa- und Relocation-Anfragen für Einzelpersonen?

No, Jobbatical does not support individual requests. We currently provide visa and relocation-enabled services to companies and their employees exclusively.

Welche ersten Schritte sind bei Jobbatical erforderlich?

You can get started in just one click! Simply request a demo, and one of our experts will guide you through a customized consultation to understand your company’s specific needs and set you up for success.

Unterstützt Jobbatical auch Familien in Bezug auf Relocation?

Yes! Jobbatical supports the relocation of your employees' families, including handling visas, address registration, residence permit applications, and providing expert consultation. We also assist in finding the right schools for your employees’ children, ensuring a smooth transition for the entire family.

Wie wird unser HR-Team den Überblick über den Umzugsprozess behalten?

With Jobbatical, you’ll have full visibility and control over the relocation process. Our platform's intuitive dashboard allows you to monitor everything from visa applications to permit renewals at a glance or in detail. Stay informed with real-time updates on case status, deadlines, and appointments through automated notifications.

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