Reubicación e inmigración de talentos: ¿Un asunto interno o algo que externalizar?

Reubicación e inmigración de talentos: ¿Un asunto interno o algo que externalizar?

Lámpara Maria Magdaleena
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A key question that organizations face when hiring international talent is whether to manage employee relocations in-house or to outsource this responsibility to a specialized provider. In this article, we aim to explore both options to help you make an informed decision.

Traslados internos o externalizados: el desglose


If you’re covering your relocations in-house, you’re not paying someone external to do it all for you. Immigration lawyers and consultants can come with a hefty price tag, so avoiding that expense if you can seems like a great idea to begin with.

However, it's important to recognize that managing these tasks in-house also incurs costs. The time spent by your team on relocation cases can quickly add up, particularly when this is not their primary area of expertise.

Tiempo y recursos

Talent relocation has multiple moving parts and can quickly consume considerable time and resources.

There’s a lot of hands-on work, including, but by no means limited to:

  • Cumplimentación y presentación de formularios para diversos visados y permisos
  • Concertar citas y acudir a ellas
  • Ayuda y resolución de problemas generales de talento
  • Realizar un seguimiento de los progresos y asegurarse de que todo se completa y presenta a tiempo.

Tasks such as visa applications, arranging appointments, and managing the myriad details of each relocation require a level of attention that can easily become a full-time job. This workload is further worsened when considering the needs of relocating families, including spouses, children, and pets.

Conocimientos especializados

Without specialized knowledge in global mobility management, your team may face significant challenges when managing relocations. Each country has unique immigration requirements, and without a deep understanding of these processes, the risk of errors and delays increases.

Imagine this real scenario: your team is relocating a person from India for the first time. You have two people from your HR team researching the visa process. They end up with two different sets of information.
If your team lacks experience in a specific region, confusion and conflicting information are a real risk. Outsourcing to a global mobility agency can mitigate these risks by leveraging their expertise.


Outsourcing relocations to experienced global mobility providers often results in faster processing times. Mobility providers have a deep knowledge of local systems, which can significantly reduce the time required to complete relocations.

Another real-life example: With your in-house resources, it may take you nine months to relocate an engineer from Nigeria to the EU. An expert partner could accomplish it in a fraction of that time.


Effective communication is crucial in the relocation process. Your employees trust you to manage their transition smoothly, and transparency is key to maintaining that trust.

Entrusting a third party to move your employees may come with some intrinsic uncertainties:

  • ¿Su socio de reubicación será realmente capaz de cumplir lo prometido?
  • ¿Lo harán lo suficientemente rápido?
  • ¿Saben realmente lo que hacen?
  • ¿Te dicen todo lo que necesitas saber?
  • ¿Apoyarán suficientemente tu talento?

If you’re handling relocations yourself, you’re not adding any additional players into that circle of trust, giving you more control over the process. But while managing relocations in-house may give you a sense of control, working with a reliable global mobility company can enhance communication and ensure that no critical details are overlooked.

Experiencia de talento

A good onboarding and engagement strategy is key to retaining precious talent.

Partnering with a reputable employee relocation service ensures that your employees’ transition is handled with care, reducing their stress and allowing them to focus on their new role. An experienced global mobility provider can offer a level of service and support that might be challenging to achieve in-house.

Making the Right Choice

The decision between handling relocations in-house or outsourcing depends largely on your organization's specific needs and resources. If your relocation volume is consistent, say 5-10 employees per month, investing in an in-house specialist may be justified. However, consider the expertise required—global mobility is complex, and the right talent for this role is hard to find.

For lower volumes, the cost of a full-time specialist may outweigh the benefits, while higher volumes can overwhelm a single individual, leading to inefficiencies. In such cases, a specialized global mobility provider offers a scalable solution, giving you access to a dedicated team with extensive experience, advanced technology, and established processes. This approach ensures that relocations are handled effectively, without straining your internal resources.

Choosing the right global mobility provider is crucial. An unreliable partner can cause more harm than good, while a reliable partner can be invaluable. A trustworthy global mobility provider will save you time, reduce stress, and ensure a smooth relocation process. To make an informed decision, thoroughly research potential partners, read testimonials and case studies, and evaluate their track record. A well-chosen partner can significantly improve your employee relocation process and contribute to your company's success.

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