Jobbatical antes y ahora: 2020, un año en perspectiva

Jobbatical antes y ahora: 2020, un año en perspectiva

Shoshana Luria
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2020 has been quite a year. Collectively we have gone through some of the most unique challenges the world has faced during the last century. Although technology has provided a way to connect during international stay-at-home orders, we have also noticed its limitations. Perhaps this pandemic has highlighted the critical need for global mobility and human connection. 

Immigration and global mobility were hit particularly hard by the constraints the coronavirus placed on societies around the globe. Yet, despite the odds, the Jobbatical team has shown dedication and determination to our mission: think beyond borders to help the world work more closely together. 

At the start of 2020, we relocated 138 people from across the globe to Estonia and Spain. 

Since then, we have now relocated more than 960 people from across the globe to Estonia, Spain, Germany, France, and the United States. In short, we grew our talent relocations by more than 365%. Yep, even during a global pandemic. 

Our team has also spearheaded the launch of the world’s first Digital Nomad Visa, while also launching another first of its kind: a SaaS platform for Immigration.

Unphased by worldwide lockdowns and limitations, our dedicated team never ceases to find creative solutions to thinking beyond borders and helping build a more connected world. 

For even more details into our 2020 accomplishments, check out the infographic below.  

Hiring international talent despite COVID? See how we can help

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