Germany is the European Leader in Immigrant Integration

Germany is the European Leader in Immigrant Integration

Andreia Mendes
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According to a new study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Germany is emerging as a European leader in integrating immigrants. The country has become the OECD's second most popular destination for immigrants after the United States.

There are now more than 14 million immigrants in Germany. When considering individuals born in Germany to immigrant parents, one in five of the country’s residents were either born abroad or born in Germany to immigrant parents.

But how effectively are these newcomers integrating into German society? The OECD study shows positive results. 70% of new arrivals find employment, a rate significantly higher than most European countries. Language acquisition is also high, with nearly two-thirds of immigrants becoming fluent in German within just five years.

The report found most migration within Germany comes from fellow Europeans, particularly from southern and eastern countries. One arrival in every five during the past 10 years was from the EU.

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