Guías rápidas de Jobbatical: Mejor colaboración, reubicación más rápida

Guías rápidas de Jobbatical: Mejor colaboración, reubicación más rápida

Bonita Boni
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Actualizaciones del producto Jobbatical: Un paso más hacia el nuevo mundo de la reubicación del talento

At Jobbatical, we don't just want to provide a good experience for our users, we want to provide a great one. That's why we're always looking for ways to improve our platform, and we're thrilled to share some exciting new enhancements that we've made with our users in mind.

Entity Selector and Global Search: Navigating Multiple Companies Made Easy

We understand that many of our employer users have access to multiple organizations (group companies) on our platform. To make it easier for them to navigate between these entities, we've added an entity selector to provide upfront visibility. This allows users to switch between companies easily when browsing employees or while adding cases. Additionally, our new global search function enables users to search for employees across companies without having to switch entities.

Inbox Groups: Better Collaboration, Faster Relocation

We know that teamwork is essential when it comes to managing employee relocations. That's why we've introduced our new inbox groups feature. Employer admins can now create shared inbox groups on our platform, and users added to these groups can see each other's inboxes. This makes it easier to cover for a team member in their absence. However, only users from the same organization are allowed to be part of the inbox group.

Employer Point of Contact on Cases: Improved Communication, Smooth Process

Coming soon is a new functionality that assigns a point of contact (POC) from the employer side to each case on our platform. By default, the person who adds the case (from the employer side) is assigned as the POC, but this can be edited. In cases where multiple POCs are required, our platform enables the addition of multiple POCs, and only the POC will receive notifications related to the case.

We're excited about the improvements we've made to our platform, and we hope they'll make your experience with Jobbatical even better. If you're interested in seeing these enhancements in action and learning more about how Jobbatical can simplify your employee relocation process, we invite you to request a free demo of our platform. Our expert team will be happy to walk you through the features and answer any questions you may have. Simply visit our website and fill out the lead form to get started. We look forward to hearing from you!

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